Bason explains how Ren took a beating from a mind-controlled Lee Pai-Long and was subsequently imprisoned by En. He only escaped because Ren ordered him to do so before En could turn him into another of his puppets. Anna disallows them to go help Ren stating that the Tao family is too dangerous. Meanwhile, Ryu is seen defeating an opponent in a Shaman Fight overseen by Yoh's father and one of the Ten priests. A group of spirits at the cemetery where Yoh first met Amidamaru are seen being attracted to a pair of heavy metal musicians. That night, Yoh, Manta and HoroHoro sneak away from Yoh's house to rescue Ren. On their way, they cut through the cemetery and meet the heavy metal duo, who are introduced as Zenryou and state they have cleansed the cemetery from spirits. Tamao arrives with her spirits, who laugh at the duo's attire. They start to play a song that contains a Buddhist pray in its lyrics, which sends Ponchi, Konchi, Amidamaru and Bason to paradise. They also imprison Kororo, which cannot be sent to paradise for being a natural spirit. Meanwhile, they use a small army of little spirits to hold HoroHoro and Yoh and mention a certain person named Hao. Ryu emerges and defeats the duo, saving Yoh's group and finally revealing himself as a capable shaman bonded with Tokageroh. The battle is overseen by a female trio, who report the outcome to a boy sitting next to a large, red, humanoid creature. After the fight, Anna has all spirits from the cemetery plus Amidamaru, Bason, Ponchi and Konchi return to the living world. In their prison cell, Ren tells Jun he will confront his father again.